To Be or Not to Be

Here we are in the middle of the greatest pandemic since the Spanish flu. Like me, some of you are alone in your home, trying to be active, trying to occupy yourself, and sometimes, just feeling like this will never end.

It WILL end and when it’s all over, we’ll all breathe a sigh of relief. You’ll look back and wonder how you ever made it through.

Right now, I ask you TO BE. Be a positive influence in someone else’s life. Teach someone else who is feeling down how to meditate, how to video chat, how to feel like they will get through this, too.

Recently, I lost a loved one. I felt like I was drowning. There is no one to hug me, no one to share my feelings with and being isolated has made it so much more intense.

Here’s what holds me together. I video chat on Saturdays with my sisters. I FaceTime with my daughter. She introduced a meditation app to me. She encourages me to exercise when I just don’t feel like it. I play the drums, I play video games and I write in a journal.

Can you be someone like that for someone else? Can you help someone to smile or laugh? Do you know someone who might need a phone call?

The best way to help yourself feel good is to help someone else. We all need to feel loved. No one is exempt. There are many little things that we can do that just might be a big thing to someone else.

One of my sisters posts a positive statement on Facebook almost every day. Then she suggests a funny movie to watch. She was going to stop doing it because she didn’t think it was doing any good. She learned that one little thing was doing so much good for someone else, that she has continued to post her positive vibes.

The little things are still the big things that keep us going.

As Shakespeare so concisely put it, “To be or not to be. That is the question.”

BE good to yourself. Take care of yourself. Wear a mask. Talk to you soon.

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